Live updates on the Chandrayaan-3 landing: the Pragyan rover traverses 8 meters on the lunar surface

ISRO also released a picture of the Chandrayaan-3 Lander taken by Chandrayaan-2's Orbiter High-Resolution Camera on the surface of the moon.

The Chandrayaan-3 Rover scaling down from the Lander to the Lunar Surface is shown in a new video that the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) released today. The rover has traveled eight meters across the lunar surface since being launched.


As the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft achieved a soft landing on the Moon's surface Wednesday night, ISRO wrote the history books. At 6:04 PM IST, the gentle landing of the Vikram lander took place. Following the United States, the Soviet Union, and China as the only other nations to successfully accomplish a soft landing on the Moon, India became the first nation to land a spacecraft close to the lunar south pole with the mission's completion. One day after landing, ISRO verified that all Chandrayaan-3 systems were operating normally and that all operations were proceeding according to plan.

This video provides a brief overview of the "15 minutes of terror" before to the smooth landing. Below there, you can find the most recent mission updates as they happen.

Rover makes a lunar landing, according to ISRO, and all systems are in working order.

The Chandrayaan-3 rover performed a "walk" on the moon one day after the spacecraft's historic lunar landing, according to a statement from the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).


According to sources, communication contacts between the lander and rover have been established, and the rover's initial photographs have been taken. The photo quality was "not good," according to some reports, and "new images" were expected. Others claimed that the images would not be revealed until the conclusion of a "key event."

We were refused access to technology... The landing of Chandrayaan-3 irreversibly alters that: K Kasturirangan, a former leader of ISRO

According to renowned former ISRO chairman K Kasturirangan, the successful landing of Chandrayaan-3 on the Moon demonstrates that India is on the cutting edge of space technologies and can never once more be subjected to a technological denial regime.

The Moon missions were planned during Kasturirangan's leadership of ISRO, and he predicted that space capabilities would become more significant in world affairs. Chandrayaan-3 ensures that India will participate in all decision-making processes pertaining to space.

"With this landing capability, we are at the cutting edge of technology. And as a result, we will participate in all decisions relating to planetary explorations in the future, including those relating to the mining of space. In an interview with The Indian Express, Kasturirangan stated, "We are obviously a part of the group that creates these future policies. 

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